Publisher : PT. Frost Yunior Author : Dr. Regina Niken Wilantari,Dr. Eddy Prianto,Muhamad Mukhlis, SE. MM,Sri Dwiningsih, SE., MM,Suryaning Bawono, SE.M.Si,Dashen Allen B.Sc, MSW Sinopsis : Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) face opportunities and challenges in terms of taxation in the digital era. The rapid advancement of technology and the proliferation of e-commerce have […]
Category: Management
Hotel Marketing Strategy In Digital Era Rahasia Meningkatkan Okupasi Hotel Dengan Internet
Penerbit : PT. Frost Yunior Penulis : Murniati, Suryaning Bawono Sinopsis : Pariwisata merupakan sektor yang memiliki posisi penting bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. alah satu jenis perjalanan yang dapat mendongkrak pertumbuhan pariwisata adalah dengan mengoptimalisasi perkembangan tren budget travel. Budget travel merupakan bentuk wisata yang menempatkan anggaran sebagai pertimbangan penting, terutama dengan memilih […]
Alabado sea la Gratitud, siempre oramos a la presencia del Único Dios por la abundancia de Su gracia y guía para que podamos terminar de hacer este libro. El turismo es un sector que tiene una posición importante para el crecimiento económico y el empoderamiento de la comunidad. Un tipo de viaje que puede impulsar […]
The Basic Of Human Resource Management Book 2
The Basic Of Human Resource Management Book 2 is the second book in a trilogy of books entitled The Basic Of Human Resource Management Book. Book 2 describes how to manage organizations and people. The explanation in this book is very basic to an understanding of what management is and what is an organization and […]
Hotel Marketing Strategies in the Digital Age
This book discusses modern hotel marketing management with various tricks and secrets to improve hotel performance that marketers rarely know today. Digital marketing and conventional marketing are combined with the right strategy to win the competition without requiring large investments and minimal risk. All are discussed neatly by practitioners as well as academics in the […]
Dasar-dasar Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Internasional
This book discusses the basics of the international level of human resource management. Providing basic information and insights for beginners equipped with basic strategies in understanding the types of human resource management strategies that can be taken and applied to improve national and international organizations’ performance. Discussed and concisely so that it is suitable for […]
Fundamentals of International Human Resource Management
This book discusses the basics of the international level of human resource management. Providing basic information and insights for beginners equipped with basic strategies in understanding the types of human resource management strategies that can be taken and applied to improve national and international organizations’ performance. Discussed and concisely so that it is suitable for […]
Fundamentos de la gestión internacional de recursos humanos
Fundamentos de la gestión internacional de recursos humanos discusses the basics of the international level of human resource management. Providing basic information and insights for beginners equipped with basic strategies in understanding the types of human resource management strategies that can be taken and applied to improve national and international organizations’ performance. Discussed and concisely […]
Lo básico de la gestión de recursos humanos Libro 1
Lo básico de la gestión de recursos humanos Libro 1 is Spanish Version of book with titled Basic Human Resource Management Book 1. Basic Human Resource Management Book 1 is the First Book of Trilogy of The Basic of Human Resource Management book. This book teaches how to manage Human Resources from basic to advanced […]
The Basic Of Human Resource Management Book 1
Basic Human Resource Management Book 1 is the First Book of Trilogy of The Basic of Human Resource Management book. This book teaches how to manage Human Resources from basic to advanced in the three-book series The Basic of Human Resource Management. There are three books published in stages in the trilogy series The Basic […]