Publisher : PT. Frost Yunior Author : Dr. Regina Niken Wilantari,Dr. Eddy Prianto,Muhamad Mukhlis, SE. MM,Sri Dwiningsih, SE., MM,Suryaning Bawono, SE.M.Si,Dashen Allen B.Sc, MSW Sinopsis : Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) face opportunities and challenges in terms of taxation in the digital era. The rapid advancement of technology and the proliferation of e-commerce have […]
Category: Financial Management
Tata Kelola Keuangan Untuk Bisnis
Panduang Memulai Usaha Untuk Pemula
Tata Kelola Keuangan Untuk Bisnis Panduang Memulai Usaha Untuk Pemula is Indonesian version of book with titled Financial Management For Future Entrepreneur. Financial Management For Future Entrepreneur, presenting business and financial management books integrated into business guidelines for beginners who have never done business before. This book is written by business and finance practitioners as […]
Financial Management For Future Entrepreneur
Financial Management For Future Entrepreneur, presenting business and financial management books integrated into business guidelines for beginners who have never done business before. This book is written by business and finance practitioners as well as academics who combine academic and practical knowledge in this book. Find Financial Management For Future Entrepreneur on Google Book (USA) Euro […]
Investasi Human Capital
Untuk Membangun Performa Organisasi Yang Lebih Baik
Investasi Human Capital is the Indonesian version of the book entitled Human Capital Investment. Human Capital investment is an inevitable necessity in business. Investing in human capital is very important, so this book provides insight on how to invest in human capital to develop a better business. Business performance can never be separated from human […]
Human Capital Investment
For Better Business Performance
Human Capital Investment is an inevitable necessity in business. Investing in human capital is very important, so this book provides knowledge about how to invest in human capital to develop a better business. Business performance can never be separated from human resources. And the determinants of a business organization’s performance are the human resources that […]